Sunday, April 20, 2008

In the Beginning

Wow, a chance to express myself! I can pretend people from all over the world are waiting with bated breath for my next entry. 2007 was a great year for me, very introspective, I turned 45 August 2007 and sat down and had a great conversation with myself. My goal in 2007, to become more tech advanced. Kinda vague goal, but hey, I'm making the rules so I only have to please me. Well I did it, I purchased an I-pod, learned how to download to it, and all about podcasts, Digg site, Blogs, Forums ect... I done good.

Now it is April 2008, have I set goals? Besides the eternal "Lose Weight" goal most of America has, I wanted to learn more. I've kept up the tech stuff, I learn something new all the time. I am becoming more and more visual in the Internet community, no MySpace or Facebook, and that isn't likely to happen anytime soon.

Learning = reading in my book (ha ha) and Spring 2008 has seen over a thousand pages into my goal. I'm on book 10 so far, April 2006 I was on book 5, and April 2007 on book 12. So I need to get on it.

The big goal I set for myself "All 50 states before I'm 50" is well on its way to becoming fact. Very disappointed that I did not take advantage of my company sending me to Minn last summer and crossing North and South Dakota off my list. I thought that I would be able to do it in 2008, but it looks like they are sending me instead to Southern CA for regional meetings. Wow...

Would love to take a Mississippi riverboat cruise and then cross off Louisiana and Mississippi on the list. Just can't afford it right now. States remaining...

North Dakota
South Dakota
West Virginia
New Hampshire
Rhode Island

Not bad so far.
